Topics to cover
- Java
- GC - serial, parallel, CMS, G1
- Reference Types - soft, weak, phantom
- Collections
- Covariance, invariance, contravariance
- Latest concurrent collections uses techniques like: copy-on-write, compare-and-swap, Lock interface
- Iterators: Fail-fast & Fail-safe (snapshot & weakly consistent)
- Map:
- general maps use equals(or hashCode)
- IdentityHashMap use identity
- SortedMap (TreeMap & ConcurrentSkipListMap) use Comparable or Comparator
- Comparable vs. Comparator
- Concurrency
- Atomicity (check-then-act, read-modify-write), 64-bit read/write is not atomic
- Visibility (synchronized & volatile force to cross memory barrier)
- Synchronization models (mutex, read-write locks, condition, semaphore)
- Monitor (No shared object, No Lock)
- Volatile (cross memory barrier, prevent reordering, guarantee atomic 64-bit read/writes, arrays)
- Problems (race condition, lock-ordering deadlock, thread starvation deadlock, starvation, livelocks)
- Future, Timer, TimerTask, ScheduledThreadPool
- Synchronizers (FutureTask, Semaphore, Latches, CyclicBarrier, Exchanger)
- Fork-Join pool (work-stealing)
- Database
- PK, FK, PK & Unique key diff
- Cursors (implicit, explicit, forward, refcursor data type, static, dynamic)
- Joins (full outer join, exception join)
- Join Algos
- nested loop join - when one table is small and other is large with an index on joined columns
- merge join or sort-merge join - when both tables are large. Faster when data being joined is already sorted by an index
- hash join - when table is large but data needed is small.
- Normalization
- Indexes - types, properties (visibility, usability, unique/non-unique, composite)
- Views - horizontal, vertical, indexed
- MDC table
- Design Patterns - adapter, builder, chain of responsibility, command, decorator, facade, factory, mediator, observer, singleton, strategy, template, visitor
- Safe operations, Idempotent operations, post-once-exactly-pattern, request-response, request-acknowledge-poll, request-acknowledge-callback, routing expressions, reduce load by service interceptor or reverse proxies
- Principles - addressable resources, uniform & constrained interface, representation-oriented, stateless communication, hateoas
- async request - client-side api future & callback, server-side api AsyncResponse
- exception mappers, jaxb, security, versioning
- scalability - browser & proxy caches, http caching(expires, cache-control), revalidation(last-modified, etag)
- JMS - MEPs
- Spring
- Core - Autowiring, profiles
- JDBC - JdbcTemplate, RowMapper, RowCallback
- MVC - lifecycle
- Transaction -
- acid, base,
- txn models(local, programmatic, declarative)
- txn types (flat, with save point, chained, nested, distributed, long-lived)
- 4 isolation levels (read uncommitted, read committed, repeatable read, serializable, snapshot)
- read phenomena - dirty read, non-repeatable read, phantom read
- 2PC protocol, heuristic exceptions
- Concurrency control - 2-Phase Locking, MVCC, Optimistic Concurrency Control,
- Distributed computing - CAP, strong vs weak consistency
- Data Structures & Algorithms
- Arrays & Strings
- Tree - Traversals, BST, 2-3 tree, Red-Black Tree
- Queue - Queue using stack(s)
Data Structures & Algorithms
- Algorithm basics and approach (Ref GIB03 ch03)
- Arrays and Strings - (Ref GIB03 ch06)
- String -
- Linked List - (Ref GIB03, GIB01 ch03, GIB03 ch04)
- Trees - (Ref GIB03 ch05, GIB04, )
- Graphs - (Ref GIB03 ch05,)
- Recursion - (Ref GIB03 ch07, GIB01 ch04)
- Sorting - (Ref GIB03 ch08)
- Bit Manipulation - (Ref GIB02, GIB01 ch04, GIB03 ch13,)
- Graphical and Spatial puzzles - (Ref GIB03)
- Counting, Measuring and Ordering puzzles - (Ref GIB03)
- System Design and Memory Limits - (Ref GIB02)
- General programs - (Ref GIB01)
- Base M to N conversion
- Replace blanks in a string - Ref GIB01 Pg45,
- Write a generic program to take an nxn array and print
General Tech Questions
- What are some of the challenges you faced in your project?
- Multi-instance model for scalability, risk management. Managing s/w versions across those instances.
- Reverse engineer business logic from mainframe statements working closing with business
- Global team presence in 5 different time zones.
- Why are you leaving the current job?
- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- Strengths: Technical knowledge, Communication and presentation skills, Well-organized
Behavioral Questions
- What do you enjoy about going to work?
- What do you dislike about being a developer?
- Why are you leaving your current job?
- If you could change one thing about your current team what would it be?
- What does a good team good like?
- What makes a good developer?
- Tell me about a time you had a conflict at work. How did you deal with it?
- War on naming conventions, checked vs. unchecked exceptions
- Tell me about the biggest mistake you made at work?
- What are your strenths and weaknesses?
- What motivates you?
- What makes you the ideal candidate for this job?
- Demonstrate your leadership, teamwork, ability to overcome obstacles and challenges
- What bothers you most about other people?
- No response to emails. Lack of accountability
- Email communication - lack of punctuations
- Tell me about a day when everything went wrong
- Tell me about a colleague you really got along with and why you think you did
- (Don’t make it too formal. Keep it humorous)
- What’s something that you can teach me?
- (Test for patience, body language, communication skills)
- Tell me about someone you admire and why you do
- (Tests if interviewee is a people person) Kal & Nik - vision, tech savviness
- What’s one thing you’re really proud of and why? What is your biggest accomplishment to date?
- (Give credit to others like family, friends, colleagues) Perseverance and consistency
- What project or task have you recently completed that you are proud of?
- If you ran your own company, what kinds of people would you hire and why?
- 2 qualities I look - strength and trustworthy
- Test for personal fashion - Can you tell me a goal that you have outside of work and family? What do you do for fun?
- Test for initiative hunger - Tell me about something you’ve started?
- Book club within and outside of work
- Test for honesty - Tell me about time you’ve bent the rules?
- Test for motivation and priority - who in your life would you least want to disappoint?
- Test for drive and passion - Where do you want to see yourself in 5 yrs?
- What’s the last awesome thing you learned?
- What did you not like about your last job?
- What is your biggest pet peeve?
- What is the best mistake that you have ever made?
- What did you want to be when you were a kid? Why?
- What event in your life has taught you the most about yourself?
- Have you ever had a job that you hated? What did you hate about it?
- Describe a challenge you have faced and how you overcame that?
- In hindsight, what steps would you have taken to avoid that challenge?
- If given a new project that you were unfamiliar with, what would be your strategy to kick-start the project?
- About the company
- What is the vision of the company
- What do you know about the culture of our company
- Company’s stock price last time you checked
Questions to the interviewer
- Please can you tell me a bit more about the team? What size is it? What experience levels?
- Is the team based in one region or geographically split?
- How does the team work? Do you use agile?
- What’s your biggest frustration in your current job?
- What’s your favorite part of working at the company and in the team?
- What does an average day look like?
- How hard is it to use new technologies in your company?
- What training exists?
Useful links
- Resume
- Technical Interview Questions
- Background check
- Behavioral Questions
- Tech Company Recruiters
- Google - Technical Lead/Manager -!t=jo&jid=34165&
- - Start up recruiters
- Bamboo Talent
- Clutch Talent
- NACE Partners
- FinTech Recruiters
- [GIB01] Coding Interviews
- [GIB02] Cracking the coding interview
- [GIB03] Programming Interview Exposed, Algorithms (Robert Sedgewick)
- [GIB04] An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms
- [GIB05] 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions