Use Groovy for flexibility and readability. Use Java for performance
Runs on JVM - Groovy is nothing but a new way of creating Java classes - Java code can be called from Groovy and vice-versa
Every Groovy type is a subtype of java.lang.Object - Every Groovy object is an instance of a type in the normal way
Groovy class IS A Java class
Groovy supports dynamic typing
To compile a Groovy script - groovyc –d classes Foo.groovy
To run a compiled Groovy class in Java - java -cp $GROOVY_HOME/embeddable/groovy-all-1.0.jar:classes Foo
To run a Groovy script - groovy Foo.groovy
Behind the scenes it compiles to a Java class and executes
Any Groovy code can be executed this way as long as it can be run; that is, it is either a script, a class with a main method, a Runnable, or a GroovyTestCase.
Groovy automatically imports following packages: groovy.lang.*, groovy.util.*, java.lang.*, java.util.*,*, and* as well as the classes java.math.BigInteger and BigDecimal.
Say there is a Groovy class called Foo, we can use Foo objects without explicitly compiling the Book class as long as Foo.groovy is on the classpath.
A Groovy script can also have a class definition inside them.
Control Structure
Boolean Evaluation
Groovy’s == Is Equal to Java’s equals() only if the class does not implement the Comparable interface. If it does, then it maps to the class’s compareTo() method.
Reference comparison is done via is() method. Custom truth conventions can be added by implementing asBoolean() method.
Groovy Truth - Following evaluate to true : non-null references, non-empty strings or collections, non-zero numbers, and the boolean literal true.
str='Hello'if(str)printlnstr+'World'//Groovy checks if the object reference is nulllist=[1]if(list)printlnlist//Groovy checks if list is not-null and not empty
importstaticMath.randomasranddoublevalue=rand()// alias name is used here to avoid confusion among static imports
Not forced to catch exceptions we don’t care. Any exception we don’t handle is automatically passed on to a higher level.
Catching all exceptions that may be thrown. (not Throwables or Errors) e.g., try{...} catch(ex){...}
Groovy is purely object-oriented
everything is an object. E.g 2*3, though they look like primitives, they are actually java.lang.Integer objects
every operator is a method call. E.g. a+b //logic for the + operator is implemented in method plus() on the object
All methods and classes are public scoped by default.
Fields are private scoped by default.
Getters and setters are automatically created by Groovy. No setters created for final fields. To prevent non-final fields from modification, implement setter method manually and throw an error.
"hello" instead of "hello".getClass().getName(). This class property has special meaning in Map and Builders so it won’t work.
We can use ‘this’ within static methods to refer to the Class object.
Excess Parameters as Map - If the number of arguments sent is more than what the method parameters, and if the excess arguments are in name-value pair, then Groovy treats the name-value pairs as a Map.
classRobot{defaccess(Maplocation,weight,fragile){println"Received fragile? $fragile, weight: $weight, loc: $location"}}newRobot().access(x:30,y:20,z:10,50,true)//You can change the ordernewRobot().access(50,true,x:30,y:20,z:10,a:5)
Multiple Assignments
Method returning an array is assigned to multiple variables
Block of code morphed as the implementation of an interface
interfaceGreeting{voidgreet(greeting)}interfaceWellWisher{voidwish(wish)}voidgreeter(Greetinggreeting){greeting.greet()}voidwellwisher(WellWisherwellwisher){wellwisher.wish()}greeter(newGreeting(){voidgreet(greeting){println'Java style'}})groovyStyle={println'Groovy style'}greeter(groovyStyleasGreeting)//block of code is morphed into an implementation of the// interface via 'as' operatorwellwisher(groovyStyleasWellWisher)
Groovy does not force us to implement all the methods in an interface. Very useful while mocking for unit testing.
Implementation of multi-method interface as a Map
interfaceGreeting{voidgreet(greeting);voidwish(wish);voidregard(regard);}voidcallMe(Greetinggreeting){greeting.greet();greeting.wish()}//method name as key, implementation as value. Not all methods are implementedgreetingsMap=[greet:{println'Greet Hello World'},wish:{println'Wish Hello World'}]callMe(greetingsMapasGreeting)
A static reference can only be assigned to an object of that type or one of its subclasses, or a class that implements that interface if the reference is of interface type. e.g., Car car =
In a dynamically typed language, however, we can have any classes stand in for another, as long as they implement the methods we need. e.g., in the below case, as long as the objects implement the method size() it will work.
if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it is a duck.
Implementing operators is straightforward when both operands are of the same type. Things get more complex with a mixture of types, say 1 + 1.0. One of the two arguments needs to be promoted to the more general type, and this is called coercion.
Closure Coersion - e.g. Collections.sort(list, { ... } as Comparator)
closure here is coerced to implement interface Comparator
if the interface has more than one methods, then pass different closure implementations as map
Double dispatch
Plain strings (instance of java.lang.String)
GStrings (instance of groovy.lang.GString)
GStrings allow placeholder expressions to be resolved and evaluated at runtime. ( Also called String interpolation ) Placeholders may appear in a full ${expression} syntax or an abbreviated $reference syntax.
POGOs - though this looks like accessing a private properties on the object, Groovy goes through the getter and setter methods provided in the class when it looks like properties are being accessed or assigned.
Map-based constructors
def faith = new Person(name:'Faith',id:1) - By default, Groovy creates this map-based constructor. (Map is not used behind the implementation though)
def willow = [name:'Willow',id:2] as Person - a map is coerced into an object
Arrays and Collection
Groovy supports collections at language level
Groovy supports generics but favors dynamic behavior. Compile-time type checking is turned off by default.
[1,2,3]//Groovy treats this as list. [1,2,3]asint[]//Now the list is converted to an array here
For loops and conditionals are not objects, cannot be reused, and cannot be passed around, but ranges can. Ranges let you focus on what the code does, rather than how it does it. This is a pure declaration of your intent, as opposed to fiddling with indexes and boundary conditions.
Custom Range - Any datatype can be used with ranges, provided that both of the following are true:
The type implements next and previous; that is, it overrides the ++ and – operators.
The type implements java.lang.Comparable; that is, it implements compareTo, effectively overriding the <=> spaceship operator.
The sequence can be empty to declare an empty list.
Lists are by default of type java.util.ArrayList and can also be declared explicitly by calling the respective constructor. The resulting list can still be used with the subscript operator. In fact, this works with any type of list, as we show here with type java.util.LinkedList.
Lists can be created and initialized at the same time by calling toList on ranges.
importgroovy.transform.*classWorker{defwork(){println'get work done'}defanalyze(){println'analyze...'}defwriteReport(){println'get report written'}}classExpert{defanalyze(){println"expert analysis..."}}classManager{//At compile time, Groovy examines the Manager class and brings // in methods from the delegated classes only if those methods // don’t already exist@DelegateExpertexpert=newExpert()//only work() and writeReport() methods are brought here@DelegateWorkerworker=newWorker()}defbernie=newManager()bernie.analyze()//invokes Expert.analyze() Worker.writeReport
@Immutable - Groovy adds the hashCode(), equals(), and toString() methods
@Lazy - provides a painless way to implement the virtual proxy pattern with thread safety as a bonus
classAsNeeded{defvalue//heavy1 and heavy2 are lazy-initialized only at the time of invocation@LazyHeavyheavy1=newHeavy()@LazyHeavyheavy2={newHeavy(size:value)}()AsNeeded(){println"Created AsNeeded"}}
@Newify - Create objects via Ruby-like and Python-like constructors without using ‘new Foo()’ style. Comes handy in DSL creation.
@Newify([CreditCard,Person])//specify the list of types here. deffluentCreate(){printlnCreditCard("1234-5678-1234-5678",2000)//Python-like constructor invocation with new"John","Doe")//Ruby-like constructor invocation where new() is a method}fluentCreate()
@Singleton(lazy=true)classTheUnique{privateTheUnique(){println'Instance created'}defhello(){println'hello'}}TheUnique.instance.hello()TheUnique.instance.hello()newTheUnique().hello()//Caveat: since Groovy does not honor private methods, clients can still do this.
@CanonicalclassCar{defmake,model,yearCar(make,model){this.make=make;this.model=model;this.year=2000;}Car(make,model,year){this.make=make;this.model=model;this.year=year;}}@InheritConstructorsclassHondaextendsCar{//no need to explicitly override all the constructors here}printlnnewCar("Honda","Accord")
In OO languages, the Method-Object pattern has often been used to simulate the same kind of behavior by defining types whose sole purpose is to implement an appropriate single-method interface so that instances of those types can be passed as arguments to methods, which then invoke the method on the interface. e.g., where FilenameFilter interface specifies a single method, and its only purpose is to allow the list of files returned from the list method to be filtered while it’s being generated.
Groovy Metaprogramming
In Groovy every class has a metaclass. A metaclass is another class that manages the actual invocation process. If you invoke a method on a class that doesn’t exist, the call is ultimately intercepted by a method in the metaclass called methodMissing. Likewise, accessing a property that doesn’t exist eventually calls propertyMissing in the metaclass. Customizing the behavior of methodMissing and propertyMissing is the heart of Groovy runtime metaprogramming.
/* Every closure has a delegate property. By default the delegate points to the object that the closure was invoked on.*/{Complexc->delegate.addc}Complex.metaClass.minus={Complexc->delegate.subtractc}defc1=newComplex(real:1,imaginary:2)defc2=newComplex(real:3,imaginary:4)defc3=c1+c2printlnc3==newComplex(real:4,imaginary:6)@EqualsAndHashCodeclassComplex{defreal,imaginaryComplexadd(Complexc){this.real+=c.realthis.imaginary+=c.imaginarythis}Complexsubtract(Complexc){this.real-=c.realthis.imaginary-=c.imaginarythis}@OverridepublicStringtoString(){return"($real + ${imaginary}i)"}}
What is the difference between a Groovy script and a Groovy class?
What is relaying and how dynamic typing enables to achieve it?
How to write new AST annotations?
Spring + Groovy
‘Liquid Heart’ technique by Dierk Koenig, lead author of Groovy in Action [Manning, 2007]